‘Oracle’ another Phantasmagorical Art Show opens at the Tidemark


Dr. Janis Guthy a Campbell River Chiropractor and a Registered Clinical Counsellor is once again showing her artwork at the Tidemark Theater. Dr. Guthy has been a regular at the Tidemark Theater each year since she graduated from Emily Carr University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2012. What is unique about her shows is that she is a multi-media artist and designs and fabricates her own couture costumes and backdrops for her photoshoots. She shoots twice a year and it is quite an elaborate event. Art shows take over a year to produce and she is working on next year’s show already. This show is entitled ‘Oracle’ and will eventually transpire into ‘Oracle’ cards anyone can purchase.

Step forward with trepidation through the forest paths where mystical beings are guiding you. Be open and aware that you are not alone. Meet the prophets of the ‘QueenDom of Gutharian’. Listen to their prophecies unveiling a collection of life’s experiences as a tool for optimizing your own lives. Imagine the ‘Oracle’, as a place dedicated to your divine inspiration. Reach far and wide beyond your grasp. Eventually, you will discover who you really are and realize that your potential is limitless.

‘Oracle’ shows at the Tidemark Theater between Aug 7 and Sept 30, 2019. You can visit Dr. Guthy’s website at www.guthygalleries.ca