Privacy Policy

Data is not shared

We do not give any information you provide to Tidemark Theatre Society to any other organization.

Usage of Data

A number of options are provided to you to help decide how you wish us to contact you for most purposes. We will endeavour to respect your wishes based on how you tell us we should contact you.


Credit card data in our database conforms to the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) v3.1 requirements from the credit card industry. That means we do not store data from credit card transactions such as Track II or CVV2/CID (the 3 or 4 digits on the back of the card). If stored, credit card numbers are securely encrypted and we ask that you never send a complete number to us in an email.

PCI compliance means that our database and key internal applications have been tested for security by independant 3rd party auditors and approved by the PCI council.


Data no longer required for our business purposes or legal requirements is destroyed.