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January 30 @ 5:00 pm


Tidemark Art Gallery
1220 Shoppers Row
Campbell River , BC V9W 2C8 Canada
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Art Reception: Human Nature

Human Nature
An Exhibition Full of Life and Wonder
By Local Artist Alyssa Penner

The most positive childhood memories I have is growing up within the rugged and beautiful natural landscapes of Vancouver Island. That combined with a creative mind served me well in imagining our area as the most magical place. From the time I was brought into this world, I saw nature and my surroundings though my own mind, and that both fascinates me and inspires me.

Four generations of my family reside all over the island, and growing up I had the opportunity to get to know a few of the areas on the island very well. I was mostly in Crofton a small seaside community, Coomse known for its goats on the roof market, and Campbell River where I have settled down with my husband and two children. (PS – I love it here) Now living and working in this community for the past 10 years, I have met so many wonderful people and can not wait to meet more.

I could describe how I have always been driven to create and make a career out of my art, but that’s not what this show is about. Its not about me, its about all of us and the unique connections we have to nature and the spaces surrounding us. I create art first and foremost for my own personal expression and needs. But also, by doing that I seem to express how we all see the world though an untainted, magical and childhood like view. To achieve this, I like to try and turn the landscape into a painting that represents how it makes me feel. I use colour to create both a joyful and calming presence. I play with movement, light and shadow. By working in this intuitive way, I create an experience that might spark a bit of wonder in your mind.

It’s important for me to share my art with the world, because in my opinion, the story and narrative of my artwork does not end with me. It continues through the eyes and mind of other fellow humans.

You can find out more about me and my artwork on my website alyssapennerartwork.com