December 1, 2023 @ 7:30 pm
CRX’s Christmas Spectacular: A Clause for Celebration
CR DanceXtreme Inc. proudly presents, “CRX’s Christmas Spectacular, A Claus for Celebration”! This special performance will feature both our recreational and award winning competitive programs dancing in various styles to old and new Christmas holiday music. Our first performance will follow after Campbell River’s annual Christmas truck parade on Friday, December 1st at 7:30pm. We will also have a matinee at 2pm and an evening show at 6:30pm on Saturday, December 2nd. Be sure to buy your tickets soon as they are sure to sell out fast. All of our talented, young dancers are excited to perform and entertain you and entire family so come celebrate the Christmas holiday with us!
Tickets: $38.50 Evening, $34.50 Matinee (+applicable taxes & fees)