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Katy Hutchison - The Story of Bob

October 15, 2014 @ 7:00 pm


Tidemark Theatre
1220 Shoppers Row
Campbell River, BC V9W 2C8 Canada
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Katy Hutchison – The Story of Bob

Katy Hutchison is a concerned parent, author and restorative justice advocate with a compelling, real life story.  In her personalized one hour presentation, entitled The Story of Bob, Katy clearly describes how alcohol and other drug use, peer pressure, and misguided choices in an unchaperoned setting caused devastation to her family.  Through a powerful and poignant multi-media experience, Katy shares how this traumatic event impacted her as a wife and as a mother of two young children.  Her personal and interactive presentation is designed to inform her audience of the risks arising from using alcohol and other drugs in unsupervised settings, and to empower them to make healthier choices so similar tragedies can be prevented.  In addition, Katy explores the power of forgiveness and describes her own grassroots quest for restorative justice.