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HonoursConcertPoster2016-benny (2)

March 12, 2016 @ 7:30 pm


Tidemark Theatre
1220 Shoppers Row
Campbell River, BC V9W 2C8 Canada
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Rotary Honours Concert

The Rotary Club of Campbell River is proud to announce that this year’s Rotary Honours Concert which will be held in conjunction with a celebration of the club’s 70th anniversary. As part of the celebration the club has decided to make this year’s concert a “Gift to the City.” Don’t Miss the opportunity to vote for your favourite performance. Only the audience can vote, and only one of two separate categories, large group acts and smaller acts, can win. The winners will be awarded the prestigious People’s Choice Award and Prize Money.

And Exciting evening of Campbell River’s Best of the Best in Music and Dance. North America’s award winning performances, directed by Heather Gordon Murphy.  The Rotary Honours Concert 2016 performers include:

CRDance Xtreme
Tara School of Irish Dancers
Urban Dance Connection
Carihi Senior Band
Ecole Phoenix Middle School Sport Band Hoopnosis
RainCoast Theatre Arts
Beth Miller, voice solo
Corey and Heather Spetifore, singing duet
Emiko Koizumi, dance solo from CRDance Xtreme
Towa Stewart, piano solo

This is a FREE concert! Please contact the Tidemark Theatre box office for more information: 250.287.7465