May 8, 2015 @ 7:30 pm
Rotary Honours Concert
The Rotary Club of Campbell River will be presenting the annual Rotary Honours Concert. The acts performing are all award winners in their own fields and will be directed by Heather Gordon Murphy. In conjunction with Rotary’s commitment to the youth of our community, all profits derived from this event will be awarded to the selected acts. Celebrate the hard work and dedication of these fine young artists, their parents and their teachers.
Performers include:
- Matthew Krell
- Maddie Erickson
- RainCoast Creative Performing Arts
- Kathy Mascia School of Dance
- Tara School of Irish Dancing
- Phoenix Middle School Sports Band
- La Isla Guitar ensemble
- Ruth Scott Chopin Competition Winner
Complete concert line-up to be announced soon!
Admission: $20 (+ applicable taxes and fees)
Babes in Arms: As per fire regulations, every body that goes into the auditorium must have a ticket, including infants.