March 25, 2022 @ 7:30 pm
Tonight… Piaf starring Joëlle Rabu
Deep and captivating, this highly acclaimed theatrical production takes an in-depth look at the soul of one of the last century’s most passionate female singers, Edith Piaf.
Set in the ballroom of New York’s Waldorf Astoria in the early ’60s, the audience is drawn through a variety of emotions that leads to the understanding that the last performance of Piaf’s life was not only her most painful, but also her most moving and honest.
Written by Joëlle Rabu and Ted Galay, Tonight… Piaf! Sets out to answer some questions about Edith Piaf’s mysterious life. From a difficult background, struggling on the streets of France, to her overnight success and catapult to fame, it’s an excellent portrayal of why this woman sang the way she did.
Tickets: $42 Members, $47 Non-Members (+applicable taxes & fees)