April 27, 2017 @ 7:00 pm
Earth Week Film Festival 2017: Dive
This year’s feature is the multiple award-winning film DIVE!
Inspired by a curiosity about our country’s careless habit of sending food straight to landfills, DIVE! follows filmmaker Jeremy Seifert and friends as they dumpster dive in the back alleys and gated garbage receptacles
of Los Angeles’ supermarkets. In the process, they salvage thousands of dollars worth of good, edible food – resulting in an inspiring documentary that tackles the complex issue of food in both our stores and our homes.
Presented by the Youth Action Committee and the City of Campbell River
Admission by donation for youth environmental bursary
Bursary info:
- This is the fourth year that the Youth Action Committee has offered the bursary using the funds raised at the Earth Week Film Festival (all donations at the door go toward the bursary)
- YAC set up the bursary to support a graduating SD72 student going on to post-secondary studies who has a focus on the environment (in their studies and/or their community involvement; the students must not only be doing well academically, but also be involved in the community as a volunteer)
- Each year the bursary has been $500
- The recipient is selected by School District 72 during the scholarship and bursary awards toward the end of the school year