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March 3, 2018 @ 7:30 pm


Quadra Community Centre
970 West Rd
Quathiaski Cove, BC V0P 1N0 Canada
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Philip Chiu – pianist “Of Church and State”

More than a summation of technical and musical abilities, pianist Philip Chiu has become one of Canada’s leading musicians through his infectious love of music and his passion for communication and collaboration. Lauded for the brilliance, colour and sensitivity of his playing, he is particularly noted for his ability to connect with audiences on and off-stage. An exceedingly sociable pianist, Philip concertizes extensively as one of Canada’s most sought-after chamber musicians.

Dedicated to elevating the standard and art of collaborative piano, Philip is the creator and director of the new Collaborative Piano Program at the Domaine Forget International Festival and Academy. He is an acclaimed accompanist­/coach based at McGill University, has been an invited professor­-accompanist for the Conservatoire de musique de Montreal, and regularly accompanies at l’Universite de Montreal. He travels regularly across Canada and the U.S. to accompany for national and international competitions.

Tickets: $17 Advance, $20 At the Door, Youth 16 and under are free (+applicable fees)