September 18, 2021 @ 7:30 pm
Ryan McMahon
Veteran Vancouver Island singer/songwriter bucks the lockdown by sneaking into one of his very favourite venues in the world: the Tidemark Theatre!
“One thing the pandemic has afforded me is plenty of time to realign and rebrand my music from a business sense; most of all I’ve had the time to write loads of new songs, and reaching out, albeit online, to perform them on a beauty of a stage is such an amazing feeling. Playing little campfire shows of this nature gives me purpose that I’ve felt I’ve lost grip of for some of the last eighteen months. I’m so grateful that the Tidemark has given me the opportunity to get up there, and do what I do best. Connect, perform & sing my lungs out.”
Ryan McMahon has been entertaining since the first time he managed to make his grandparents laugh. An only grandchild, McMahon discovered very early how much he loved connecting with people and hopefully provided them with moments of joy.
His latest release, In Line for a Smile, is a “Hail Mary” to the world to keep connecting and focus on the people right in front of you. In stores and available online worldwide.
Ryan has toured Canada and the world with his band and the folk trio Lion Bear Fox.
Tickets: Members $15, Non-Members $20 (+applicable taxes & fees)