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November 1, 2020 @ 11:00 am


Tidemark Theatre Online Stream
BC Canada + Google Map

The Brass moves from the Back Row to Centre Stage – Sunday Brunch with the Symphony

Sunday Brunch with the Symphony Concert Series  – Watch online between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. while enjoying your Brunch.

Join the Vancouver Island Symphony for 4 Sunday Brunch Concerts this Fall from your home surrounded by your friends and family.  These one hour concerts were presented LIVE throughout the summer of 2020 in gardens from Saltair to Comox for audiences of 40 people. They were recorded LIVE  (unedited) from the Tidemark Theatre in beautiful Campbell River for many more music lovers to hear this fall.

Sunday Brunch with the Symphony  #3: The Brass moves from the Back Row to Centre Stage

Showcasing original compositions for brass quintet, jazz, and an interactive movie theme ‘quiz’!

VIS Brass Quintet: Stevan Paranosic; Mark D’Angelo; Trumpets; Karen Hough, Horn; Scott MacInnes, Trombone and Nick Atkinson, Tuba.

Tickets: $25 Single Streaming Tickets (+applicable taxes and fees)

OR purchase all 4 Streaming Brunch Concerts for $79 (+applicable taxes and fees)

Series Subscription Includes:

  • Sunday October 4   Sunday Brunch with the Symphony # 1: What a Wonderful World
  • Sunday October 18   Sunday Brunch with the Symphony # 2: A Musical Joke
  • Sunday November 22    Sunday Brunch with the Symphony #4:  Who knew the Contra Bassoon could play like that?