Another Phantasmagorical Art Show at the Tidemark
Another phantasmagorical art show by Dr. Janis Guthy is opening at the Tidemark Theatre. Fairies of LillyDom Village will be showing at the Tidemark Theatre from Jan 13th to March 31, 2022.
In the far east corner of Gutharian, the Fairies of LillyDom Village were busy preparing for the Blue Queen of the year 222. While some were weaving delicate fabrics for the couturiers, the others were hand sewing the fine materials into divine masterpieces. Every young person dreamed of owning a LillyDom couture ball gown. The entire village hosted many fairies to prepare for the event. Their wings could be seen flickering in the forest and the Lilly pads from villages afar. Their streams of light would light up their world, mesmorizing all who could see. Life as a fairy was phantastical, especially at this time of year.
Dr. Janis Guthy has been creating art since she was a small child. She has won many awards and has a series of limited editions that hang all over the world. To learn more about Dr. Guthy and her work, please visit:
Dr Janis Guthy’s Faries of LillyDom Village will be on display in the Tidemark Art Gallery from January 13th – March 31, 2022 and can be viewed Tuesday through Friday from 12-4pm. Admission is free and all are welcome.